Should APWU Reverse Its Decision To Boycott USPS Voice of the Employee Surveys?

From the American Postal Workers’ Union ‘Ask the President’ on Voice of the Employee Surveys: Question:  I would like the National Executive Board to reconsider its stance on participation in Voice of Employee surveys. Here is my reasoning: Management releases their “findings” and states something to effect that 63 percent of those participating gave a […]

The Postal Service and National Labor Relations Act

A paper by the American Bar Association on National Labor Relations Act Basic Law and Procedures as it applies to the Postal Service: Labor relations in the Postal Service is governed by Chapter 12 of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 (hereafter “PRA”), 39 U.S.C. 1201 et seq. Prior to passage of the PRA, the […]

OIG Audit: USPS Summer Sale For Mailers May Have Lost Money In FY 2009

This report presents the results of our audit of the fiscal year (FY) 2009 Standard Mail® Volume Incentive Program (Project Number 10BO008FF000). The report responds to a request from the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). Our objectives were to evaluate the Standard Mail Volume Incentive Program (Summer Sale) to determine whether the Postal Service achieved its […]

Federal Disability Retirement and the U.S. Postal Service: Lack of Loyalty & Full of Shortsightedness

The following is an article from Attorney Robert R. McGill written exclusively for PostalReporter: There was a time when the U.S. Postal Service worked in conjunction with the Department of Labor (under FECA/OWCP) to keep hard-working Postal employees who were injured on the job, with offers of modified duties to retain a productive workforce. It […]

USPS, NTIS To Provide Federal Agencies Expanded Information Services

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) have agreed to jointly provide fulfillment, information management services and customer maintenance to federal agencies to enable them to serve the needs of their departments. According to a signed memorandum of understanding, NTIS will work directly with the Postal Service’s Stamp Fulfillment […]

USPS Positioned For A Strong Finish In FY 2010

Positioned for a strong finish in FY 2010: USPS focuses on beginning strong in FY 2011 To finish the year strong — and to position USPS for a strong beginning in fiscal year 2011 — employees must continue to focus on controlling workhours and operating expenses without hurting service, according to DPMG and COO Pat […]

Facts Don’t Lie: Chart Shows True Picture of Postal Service’s Financial Health

Burrus Update 12-2010, July 21, 2010 In a series of recent Updates for union members, I have pointed out that the Postal Service’s current financial difficulties are the result of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA), which imposed on the USPS the onerous burden of pre-funding future retiree healthcare liabilities — in […]

Legislation To Reverse Billions of Dollars Overpaid By Postal Service Into CSRS Clears First Hurdle

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POSTAL SUPERVISORS LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY UPDATE JULY 22, 2010 POSTAL FINANCIAL REFORM BILL CLEARS FIRST HURDLE The House postal oversight subcommittee on Wednesday approved legislation to stabilize the finances of the Postal Service by reversing billions of dollars overpaid by USPS into the government’s civil service pension fund and shifting those payments […]