KA–POW! APWU Oakland Local Strikes Back At Abusive Postal Supervisor

The APWU Oakland Local #78 took the unusual step of launching an office-wide petition against Tour 1 Postal Supervisor Preet Singh. The petition, which has more than 100 signatures, details years of a variety of unacceptable conduct. The petition was sent to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, USPS Bay-Valley District Manager,Mark Martinez, California Congresswoman Barbara Lee […]

OIG: USPS loses databases after backup on same hardware

During the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Information Technology Internal Controls audit, the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General (OIG) became aware of a hardware failure that resulted in the loss of the Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) database used to record and monitor computer incidents. The U.S. Postal Service’s Data Management Services group periodically […]

USPS OIG Report: 21st Century Post Office

This is the third in a series of U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General (OIG) reports addressing the 21st Century Post Office (Project Number 11YG039DA000). Our objective was to assess opportunities for the U.S. Postal Service to provide non-postal products and services at retail facilities. Non-postal products and services are those not directly related […]

USPS OIG Summary Of Financial Crimes In Semiannual Report to Congress

FINANCIAL CRIMES A portion of the $66 billion in revenue generated by the Postal Service last year is handled at the 32,000 postal retail locations. Employees who allegedly embezzle funds, kite or otherwise misuse money orders, or steal and misuse postal-issued credit cards receive investigative attention from our special agents. A former New York lead […]

USPS OIG Seeks Help From Postal Employees To “Pick Out the Bad Apples”

USPS OIG creates new fraud awareness poster The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is distributing a new fraud awareness poster. Poster 204 encourages employees to help the OIG “pick out the bad apples” by reporting postal crimes or misconduct. The poster features a Quick Response (QR) Code, which allows employees to report misconduct to the OIG […]

USPS OIG Finds Whistleblower Reprisal At Medford, OR Post Office

From a PostalReporter.com reader: The following is an extremely rare instance of the USPS OIG finding whistleblower reprisal.  Astonishing, since ELM 666.3 | Whistleblower Protection is very weak.This letter from the USPS OIG was published in the local paper by the Southern Oregon Area Local, APWU, in Medford OR. The letter is addressed to Christopher Olivas.

PMG Approves Postal Execs Alcohol Purchases With USPS Funds If…

The following excerpts were taken from the USPS OIG Report on “Officers’ Travel and Representation Expenses for Fiscal Year 2011” WHAT THE OIG FOUND: Officers’ travel and representation expenses totaling about $700,000 were supported. However, officers did not always comply with Officers’ Travel and Representation Expense Guidelines (Guidelines) when claiming expenses incurred during official travel […]

APWU Safety and Health Specialist Criticizes USPS OIG Report

An audit report conducted by the Postal Service’s Inspector General’s Office (OIG) on the USPS Health and Safety Program, released Nov. 14, is limited in both scope and depth and is thus of little value in assessing the agency’s overall efforts to promote a safe workplace, the union has determined. “The report should not be […]

OIG Audit: USPS Past Network Optimization Initiatives

“This capping report summarizes the results of past U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General (OIG) audits conducted on U.S. Postal Service network optimization initiatives between fiscal year (FY) 2004 and FY 2011.” We determined a valid business case exists for 31 of the 32 AMPs (97 percent) we reviewed. These business cases were supported […]