Congressman Issa’s Bill Would First Layoff Retirement Eligible Postal Employees

Congressmen Darrell Issa and Dennis Ross’ amendment to its Postal Reform bill will require USPS to “separate”  all retirement eligible employees prior to laying off any workers not yet eligible for a pension, and to “separate” the most senior of them first:

(II) the term ‘‘non-retirement-eligible employee’’ means an employee who is not a retirement-eligible employee.

(ii) GENERAL RULE.—A reduction in force under this subsection shall not result in the separation of any non-retirement-eligible employee before a retirement-eligible

(iii) LENGTH OF SERVICE.—In determining the order for the separation of competing retirement-eligible employees, individuals shall be separated in descending order based on length of service.

(E) SEVERANCE PAY.—A retirement-eligible employee who is separated pursuant to a reduction in force under this subsection shall not, by virtue of that separation, be eligible for any  payment in the nature of severance pay.

(F) LIMITATION ON REEMPLOYMENT.—An employee described in subparagraph (D)(i)(I)  who has been separated pursuant to a reduction  in force under this subsection may not be offered reemployment in any position for which any employee, or former employee, of the Postal Service who is described in subparagraph  (D)(i)(II)—
(i) has applied; and
(ii) is qualified and available.
(4) REGULATIONS.—Any regulations necessary  to carry out this subsection shall be prescribed by  the Office of Personnel Management not later than  90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.

9-21-2011 “Subcommittee on Federal Workforce & U.S. Postal Service Business Meeting”.

Issa Amendment To Layoff Retirement Eligible Postal Employees

167 thoughts on “Congressman Issa’s Bill Would First Layoff Retirement Eligible Postal Employees

  1. Hey people, before you get your panties in a wad remember. There are 2 houses of congress. The house of representatives and the senate. Now for a bill to become law, it has to pass BOTH houses. Republicans could pass it but the senate could sit on it. If both houses passed the bill, then it has to go to the president to either sign or veto. Would obama sign or veto? There’s also the matter of a challenge in court. Age discrimination is a actual EEO complaint. So please don’t get too worried yet. I have 38 years, and I still out work the vast majority of younger people. Remember all you young workers, If your lucky, you’ll get old too. Just keep breathing- you’ll be there before you know it.

  2. Our old Postal workers are not grown up. They cried like babies. OK just to be fair, and no age discrimination here, let’s draft them and send them to war and see if they like that!

  3. Have people forgot in 2006 the postal accountability and enhancement act under george bush? If Iam not mistaken that is where the requirement to fund future retirees health care originated. Now a republican president is responsible for the demise of the post office and people want to blame obama. Let’s tell it like it is most of the hate directed toward our president is plain racism. George Bush ran up record deficits and the debt ceiling was raised 7 times under Bush, started a war we could not afford, tax cuts that actually took away money from the treasury and was a idiot of a president. Now here comes the tea baggers with more racist hate that is mainly directed on white fears because of a black president. The country is polarized, divided racially, economically, socially, and politically. Most of this bullshit was started under bush and is just a continuation of what started. What is going on with the post office is just a snapshot of america as a hole. Thank-you neo right wing republican tea baggers for taking this country and destroying something special. People wake up black, white, hispanic, asian , realize this began in 2001 and will continue until you don’t let people play on your fears.

  4. I have a idea for Congress.
    Why not fire all the richest Congressmen like Issa and Ross, who use their office for personal gain?
    And fire all the senior Congressmen and Congresswomen.
    That way we have a new Congress with no career politiicans like Issa and Ross who just use their office to make themseves billionaires.
    And we would have a new Congress with new younger people with new fresh ideas and who aren’t multi-millionaires like Issa and Ross who use their office to lay off hard working people, while Issa and Ross make millions?
    Would you go for that idea, Mister Ross and Mister Issa?
    I thought not.

  5. Everybody needs to step back, take a deep breath and focus. What Issa is trying to do is not good for anybody, old and young alike. Everyone’s rights are being violated. Get rid of the older worker at the top of the pay scale and pay the younger worker less. Just wait. Before long, the periods for pay increases will expand and it won’t max out until the younger worker has been with the Postal Service for 25 years.

    There are good/bad older workers as well as good/bad younger workers. We should all unite, not fight one another. It’s the old adage, strength in numbers. This is a fight, not just for Postal workers, but all union workers.

    Think about this, if banks, with all their untold profits paid their tellers a liveable wage instead of minimum wage, they wouldn’t have to work a second job just to survive, be able to purchase more, which in turn would mean a higher output of products and services. That’s what unions are all about… the middle class a liveable wage and a chance to make a better life for their children.

    Come on, again, unite, fight this together. Quit bickering amongst yourselves and fight for OUR survival.

  6. Issa and Ross will get Obama re-elected in a landslide.
    Everyone will vote Democratic.
    Then Americans will vote these Republican criminals like Issa and Ross out of office.
    Issa made 300 million dollars while in Congress.
    Someone should investigate him and see what he did to make that 300 million dollars.

  7. Issa you boob, all you did was to make people that love a company , work there heart out for that company, and who really made that company a better company, think twice about sweeting 40 years to make it a better company, maybe every body should just do the minumum to get buy, lets see what a company would be then. What a total and complete boob u are, how many years did u spend in one job dichead. KEEP SENDING THOSE BILLS IN DOPE.

  8. issa you could be the deciding factor in the election coming up keep up the good work ,you are even turning the retards in the p. o. from republican to demacrat, i love you isssa Maybe you should get the paving compant to pave over you idiototic mouth, u got suked in dope

  9. hey issa , do you really know how retarded u sound , who put u up to this you rectum head, u got suked in u boob, I laugh every time you have something to say u idiot, what a sap to say yes to this crap. u sir are a dope and a rectum head. Keep up the good work we the small people of this united states need a good laugh.

  10. Issa hassa little thing a ling that wassa jerka too much
    go home little boy, you talka to much.
    all you need is a swifta kick in the assa

  11. Issa has sponsored 104 bills since the beginning of 2001 and of those only 6 were enacted (less than 6%) What do you think are the odds of this boondoggle getting passed.? I mean reallllly!

  12. BrothertoldYa………I agree mostly. I think our President is not getting a fair shake. Its just fashionable to put the blame on one person especially when everyone expected a Miracle. The harsh reality is its all a political game to those in power (Including our President). If our President came in off the street without having to go through our Political System……then I would believe his sencerity! The Repulicans would have us believe that our 50k a year job is living the “The American Dream”….which would have been correct in 1975. Its just a trick of all the “Fat Cats” in power to make us feel guilty and not complain while they get all the tax credit and loopholes. Its time for this Country to be held accountable for the American Worker all around…after all….are not we the people that go to War and Defend all THEIR Corporate interests?

  13. To work for the Postal Service is like to serve the country. Just like our soldiers willing to give up their life for our freedom, we serve the country by deliver the mail to all people in America. Our country is now struggling to keep the USPS alive, we should learn from our soldiers and try to help the USPS so they can continue on to serve our people. If you are a soldier and the Government ask you to leave so younger soldiers will go to the war and fight for you, will you leave? Or are you going to say: NO I am not leaving, I stay and fight, I need money? Think about it folks. Please don’t be so stubborn.

  14. Let me get this straight, you give a campaign contribution and expect something in return for it. There is no denying that.

    What do you expect when you give support and then you withdraw that support? HUM. No person can please everyone, but UNION people are not concerned with everyone, JUST THEMSELVES. The rest of the world that pays your salaries and your retirements see this. Oh yes they do pay it, when they buy those stamps and mail packages.

  15. Emur….good point. You are the exception. I think many people are also waiting to receive the 100% credit for their unused sick leave in 2014

  16. I could have retired a year and a half ago. Have 3300 hours of sick leave. Because my wife came down with MS, our retirement plans went down the drain. Money we would have saved went to a remortgage for an accessable home. The sub in our office doesn’t know a customer by name, doesn’t go out of his way to pick up outgoing mail, if he does, he takes the clothespin just to pissem off. My customers don’t want to see him. The future of our company. I think I’m gonna stick around just to see what happens.

  17. Mailman you are right on…Mike you snot nose MORON ! If not for Ted, Mailman and myself you would not have the wonderful wages and generous retirement that you THINK you will have when you are ready to retire!

  18. OK, before you all turn this into a Republican vs Democrat debate, remember, the guy we supported for president of the US, the guy who took our campaign contributions easily enough, the guy who promised a few short months ago to not end 6 day delivery, the guy who spouts that he’s pro-union and pro-worker every chance he gets is SUPPORTING all this nonsense!
    Give to COLCEP? Not a chance. They’ve taken our money, made false promises and failed to deliver.

  19. Hmmmm. I WANT TO GO! 54 Years Old and have 35 years total today. I am FERS and have paid and combined my Military years which allows me to be FERS. Yes I have taken advantange of the Thrift. Should not 35 years be enough? Im burnt out. I am simply saying….if you want people to retire…LET THEM COLLECT THEIR RETIREMENT! OPM will not let me collect the supplement which is a good part of my monthly income. I am not asking for an incentive…I am not asking for any type of addition…..Just let me collect! I know there are allot of people like me out there sitting on the fence. I do agree it is time to give the younger crowd a chance. I see older folks in my office with no kids at home, house almost paid off with either their Husband or Wife already retired scratching and clawing for overtime or extra hours. Come on people….its just Greed and Institutional Conditioning. Lower that standard of living and visit with your family and realize the more important things in Life!

  20. This would be a disgrace and discrimination to Postsal employees who have worked and still are able and willing to keep being a working class citizen in this country! ISSA and no other congressman should be able to force you to retire. There are guidelines within the Postal Service and we should be able to retire on our own timetable! I hope that other congressmen do not think like this man! He (ISSA) is a copmplete idiot! What gives him the right to take over making Postal decisions! He should have never been appointed to this position! He does not care about the employees of the Postal Service. Shame on the Postal Service for requestring this!

  21. Please if those flunkies pull that off as a Handicapped Disabled Vet with 35 years I will finally hit the lottery and be one rich individual; lawyers will be coming out of the woodwork


  23. Jay get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mail carriers are some of the laziest and biggest complainers in the usps. Find something else to do with your time! Dont bother replying because I am not going to ck back to read your ignorant comment.

  24. Let me get this straight: Issa and the Republicans don’t like the government telling people what they have to do, like getting health insurance, but it’s OK to forcefully retire people against their will and current laws. As I see it, Republicans want the government out of peoples lives UNLESS it’s to make them do what Republicans want done.
    Glad that’s cleared up.

  25. Issa does not care what anyone thinks, period! He is a millionaire and a crook and he seeks revenge for having gotten caught stealing cars. He advocates pure age discrimination and these Republican fools go alone with him which is Ross. When I am booted out of the postal service, I hope to see the biggest class action lawsuit that ever was filed on him personally so we can take away his millions, and Ross along side of him. I am hoping that the Senate has to pass this bill to make it legal, and hopefully they will see how really stupid and one sided this bill really is. These morons could offer a five years to your service incentive and get most or all of what they want, but they rather go about it the hard way and reward all of our sacrafice over all these years with a swift kick to the balls and a get lost attitude. I happen to work with a much younger guy, and guess what?
    In my opinion, he is slower than I am, has more wrong with him than I ever dreamed of, and can’t do half of what I do in this office..but Issa will give me the boot and keep him. In a way, it is exactly what the Post Office deserves, get rid of your best and keep the laziest. Youth does not equate to better, and in many cases it equals worse. I plan to organize the biggest law suit Issa has ever seen when this moron finally destroys what is left of this organization. The people in California need to wake up and vote this fool out and Ross needs to go to. Good luck to all, you are witnessing the Republican take over and the destruction of the middle class. All because of their own greed.

  26. This will pass when the Republicans control the House, Senate, and White House.

    Look to Wisconsin and Ohio for the future. They will not stop till everyone is making $8 an hour with no benefits and the have destroyed what’s left of the middle class, this nation’s economy, and the world economy.

  27. What is the difference between Issa and a catfish? One is a low life scum sucking
    bottom feeder and the other is a type of fish. This guy is charged with ethics violations and now has made it clear that he hasn’t any morals either. I hope he is indicted much sooner than later. Ross should be indicted for being stupid enough to follow this teabag toolbox. Issa should stick with what he knows—-stealing cars and arson.
    Is this what the United States Congress has come to? Letting ignorant and callous fools try to screw senior workers? CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND LET THEM KNOW THAT IS AN ABOMINATION.!

  28. This Issa asshole has everyone fired up! There is NO WAY possible that senior employees can be forced to retire….can’t and won’t happen. By the way, I know of a retired letter carrier…been retired for 9 months, and has yet to receive a check! Talked to OPM, and was told they were backed up 27 weeks! Time to get hold of congressman! I could retire, but don’t even trust that I’d get my retirement checks….guess I will stick around so some of you so called “young employees” can keep bitching! I paid my dues, so if I get cut some slack by management, you youngsters can go _____yourselves!

  29. Hey Mike, many of us have contributed to TSP….I am in my 50s with 30 years of service and have a good amount of money in my TSP…and guess what….WE CAN’T TOUCH TSP TIL WE ARE ALMOST 60 YEARS OF AGE!!! So don’t knock Ted for saying he can’t make it on $12,000 per year, MORON!!

  30. All you older REPUBLICAN POSTAL WORKERS can follow your REPUBLICAN leaders out the door. So that’s the thanks your leaders give you after years of service. Keep drinking the Kool aid REPUBLICAN voters–right out of a job. How can you even vote Republican when “they” don’t have your interests (job) in mind.

  31. Mpe’s and ET’s were not allowed to take the last Vera at 15 grand but now will be shoved out the door with nothing.Meet the new Scrooge of Congress and he was dumb enough to only put his name on the amendment,Issa’s name belongs right there with Ross

  32. Thank you Issa and Ross lay me off then I can collect unemployment for 99 weeks.Let’s see 99 weeks at 4 hundred a week very close to 40 grand now that’s a vera I can live with.I just wish all of the funds for unemployment came from their states,Ca and FL.

  33. In Pennsylvania if you are forced to retire….you may collect unemployment.

    I’d be very well off with a pension and unemployment but I’d feel like I was bringing the country down along with this Tea bag Issa.


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