USPS Issues New Policy For Postal Employees On Use Of Social Media

Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates Manuals
ASM Revision: Social Media Policy

Effective October 20, 2011, the Postal Service™ is revising the Administrative Support Manual (ASM), by adding new Part 363 which delineates the Postal Service policy concerning social media.

For the purpose of this policy, “social media” is defined as any form of online publishing or discussion, including but not limited to: Blogs, Wikis, YouTube, Podcasts, Social Networking — Social sites (such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn), Twitter/Microblogs, and Web 2.0.Administrative Support Manual (ASM)

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3 Communications

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36 Web-Based Communications

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[Insert new 363 as follows:]

363 Social Media

363.1 Policy

For the purpose of this policy, “social media” is defined as any form of online publishing or discussion, including but not limited to: Blogs, Wikis, YouTube, Podcasts, Social Networking – Social sites (such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn), Twitter/Microblogs, and Web 2.0.

Whether Postal Service employees choose to participate in social media on their own time is their decision. However, when using social media in a personal capacity, employees may not speak for or act on behalf of the Postal Service.

All uses of social media related to the conduct of official postal business require management consent.

Contractors and consultants are prohibited from represent­ing the Postal Service in the use of any social media tool. While contractors may create content on behalf of the Postal Service, only Postal Service employees may identify them­selves as Postal Service spokespersons and post informa­tion relating to the conduct of official postal business.

363.2 Responsible Use of Social Media

The following rules and regulations apply to Postal Service employees who use social media in their official capacity to communicate with the public or Postal Service employees.

a. The web is not anonymous. Generally, everything that you post is accessible to anyone with a browser. Assume that everything you post can be traced back to the Postal Service and to you personally. While some web sites have a restricted content feature, keep in mind that external content is NOT as secure as content that resides on the Postal Service’s Intra­net. Everything you publish will reflect on the Postal Service’s brand and reputation.

b. All proprietary information and information cov­ered by the Privacy Act are off limits. Do not post Postal Service information that has not already been made available publicly by the Postal Service. Post­ing material or online discussion of information relat­ed to Postal Service revenue forecasts, personnel matters, future products, unannounced pricing deci­sions, undisclosed financial results, or similar matters is prohibited and might result in legal action against you and/or the Postal Service. It is your responsibility to respect and protect the Postal Service’s confiden­tial information by not commenting on these topics. When in doubt about what discussion topics or com­ments are appropriate, please contact your immedi­ate supervisor, Corporate Communications, or the Office of the General Counsel for guidance.

c. Refer any media inquiries to Corporate Communi­cations. If your blog or other social media applica­tion receives a media inquiry about the Postal Service or its products, services, or employees, you must call Corporate Communications before re­sponding at 202-268-2155.

d. Be respectful. Whether in the actual or virtual world, your interactions and discourse should be respectful. The Postal Service Standard of Conduct states, “Employees are expected to maintain harmo­nious working relationships and not to do anything that would contribute to an unpleasant working envi­ronment.” Do not verbally attack other individuals or companies. This includes fellow employees, contrac­tors, customers, vendors, and competitors.

e. Legal requirements. You must comply with brand, trademark, copyright, fair use, privacy, and financial disclosure laws. If you have questions about these, contact the Postal Service Law Department.

f. Be responsible. Abide by existing Postal Service pri­vacy, information security, ethics, and copyright pol­icies. No employee shall post content included in the below listed categories:

1. Information that infringes on another individual’s privacy rights.

2. Personally identifiable or sensitive information, including sensitive business information (e.g., information on Postal Service contracting agree­ments, disciplinary actions, pending administra­tive hearings, and internal memos).

3. Personal attacks, accusations, threats, or discrim­inatory comments targeting specific individuals or groups.

4. Endorsements of political parties, candidates, or groups.

5. Discussions of topics unrelated to the Postal Ser­vice’s mission.

6. Profanity — any content that is generally consid­ered obscene, deceptive, or defamatory.

7. Content advocating unlawful action.

8. Material that violates copyright laws.

g. Be transparent. Use your real name, identify that you work for the Postal Service, and be clear about your role. It is never acceptable to hide your identity or try to plant statements that appear to be from an objective observer when they are really made by Postal Service employees in their official capacity.

363.3 Additional Conduct and Privacy Policies

Additional conduct and privacy policies that apply to Postal Service employees:

a. Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), 660 (Conduct).

b. Postal Service Standards of Conduct, ELM 665.

c. Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of Information Act, and Records Management.

d. Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, 5 CFR 2635.

e. Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employ­ees of the United States Postal Service, 5 CFR 7001.

f. Handbook AS-805, Information Security.

g. Administrative Support Manual, 333.6, Endorsement of Nonpostal Products, Services, or Businesses.

h. The Hatch Act, 5 USC §§ 7321–7326.

i. The criminal conflict of interest laws, 18 USC §§ 201–203, 205, and 207–209.

j. The Anti-Lobbying Act, 18 USC § 1913.

363.4 Breach of Policy

All Postal Service employees are responsible for complying with this policy. Failure to do so may result in corrective action up to, and including, removal from the Postal Service.

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We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed version of the ASM and also into the online update, avail­able on the Postal Service PolicyNet website:

n Go to

n In the left hand column under “Essential Links,” click PolicyNet.

n On the PolicyNet page, click Manuals.

(The direct, URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet web­site is

— Public Affairs,
Corporate Communications, 10-20-11

24 thoughts on “USPS Issues New Policy For Postal Employees On Use Of Social Media

  1. You guys are reading WAY too much into this.

    “However, when using social media in a personal capacity, employees may not speak for or act on behalf of the Postal Service. All uses of social media related to the conduct of official postal business require management consent.”

    When you are at home, don’t speak for or act on behalf of the Postal Service. Act on behalf of YOURSELF. Were you guys actually contemplating conducting official postal business from home? Yeah…didn’t think so.

  2. Sounds more like a communist country now!! Remember what is in either Lenin’s or one of the commie’s teachings, that the United States would destroy its self from within!@#$% Looks like we’re wellon our way now. Talk about big brother syndrome? How many house’s did Donahoe bilk the PO for?

  3. Why is anyone surprised? Before I retired this year I was told by my Station Manager and Supervisor that I could not express my opinions while I was on the clock. (Same Supervisor that told me I was “Not allowed to get angry.”) Any reason they can use to get rid of people.

  4. Is this like the headphones and cell phone policy on the workroom floor?

    Or is it more like the no food and drinks on the workroom floor policy?

    Will i have to sit a listen to that fat guy again telling us how screwed were all going to be again?

  5. Is this like the headphones and cell phone policy on the workroom floor?

    Or is it more like the no food and drinks on the workroom floor policy?

    Will i have to sit a listen to that fat guy again telling us how screwed were all going to be again?

  6. Is this like the headphones and cell phone policy on the workroom floor?

    Or is it more like the no food and drinks on the workroom floor policy?

    Will i have to sit a listen to that fat guy again telling us how screwed were all going to be again?

  7. Calm down and read again for comprehension. Here are the operative sentences:

    From 363.1 paragraph 2, “when using social media in a personal capacity, employees may not speak for or act on behalf of the Postal Service.”

    And from 363.2 paragraph 2: “The following rules and regulations apply to Postal Service employees who use social media in their official capacity to communicate with the public or Postal Service employees.”

    In other words, don’t claim to speak for USPS unless it’s part of your job, and if you are in your official capacity, follow the rules in 363.2. No 1st amendment rules are being violated by this ASM revision.

  8. So…. does this mean that the USPS will stop making public accusations and lies regarding their workforce? Seems only fair that they can’t make public statements if they don’t want us to.

  9. “This extends to your home?”

    Come on down, i ensure you i do not speak for the postal service.

    Let me get this right? Their going to get rid of thousands of employees close thousands of postal office nation wide, pay employees less with less benefits that they have to pay more and now want to take away their freedom of speach?

    Sound like a great place to work.


  11. Tell me what you’re thinking? Speak your mind?

    What is this? postalreporternews? a postal trap to get rid of more empolyees?

  12. I once had a post master at Port Townsend, Wa who told 2 clerks who worked together for 10 years that they could not get married. He stated that married people can’t work productively together. These are the inbred worthless non-working arogant retarded idiots we all know and work with. Fire them all and save 7 billion dollars a year and don’ replace them.

  13. All you need is a disclaimer. I do not speak for the postal service but in my opinion this is how I see it or words to that effect

  14. none of this applies to those of us that don’t use social media at work other than the fact that we cannot say we speak for the postal service. I don’t speak for the post office, I speak for me.

  15. This unilateral expansion of the Employee Standard of Conduct is outrageous and a transparent attempt to muzzle any and all criticism of the USPS both on and off the clock. I did NOT sign a confidentiality clause when I was hired by the USPS [as I once did for a major private-sector corporation – and 30 years later, I still honor that clause, BTW] and I certainly will not be silenced by a paranoid directive that dictates the personal censoring of my private political views, perceptions of ineptitude, gross wastefulness, and general mismanagement. Until NOW, that aforementioned Standard of Conduct focused entirely upon actions while on-the-clock and/or while wearing an official USPS uniform, but now it seems we are required to be good little soldiers even in our own homes.

    I am NOT a slave, indentured servant or vassal, and will not be treated as one. I am a rational, thinking, reasoning human being and this attempt to constrict human interaction is nothing more than a demand for wholesale subjugation.

    I find the edict listed under 8.g especially laughable: when you DO post something inflammatory [read: TRUE] by all means use your full, genuine name when doing so… so we can more easily hunt you down for a public prosecution to demonstrate to one-and-all that we still have you firmly under our thumbs.

    WHERE IS THE UNION RESPONSE TO THIS? This is a far more important issue over which to battle than contractual terminologies!

    In an agency where our very business centers around PERSONAL COMMUNICATION this entire “policy” is an affront to those who cherish freedom -and yes: the freedom of speech in particular- wherever they may live and they should be as outraged as I.

    I’m seriously questioning WHERE I now reside… because it certtainly is NOT the America of my youth. And, neither is the USPS.

  16. h. The Hatch Act, 5 USC §§ 7321–7326.

    i. The criminal conflict of interest laws, 18 USC §§ 201–203, 205, and 207–209.

    j. The Anti-Lobbying Act, 18 USC § 1913.

    Isn’t it amazing how they can so constrain your first amendment rights that they make them completely moot? Unless they attempt to pass a law titled ” An Act to Destroy the First Amendment Rights of Postal Employees”, they will never recognize that they have done exactly that.

    Yes, you have first amendment rights — as long as you assert them up to and including the Supreme Court every time you wish to use one.

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