USPS Requests Former CFO Back Up Testimony On Behalf Of NALC

Former USPS CFO Michael Riley submitted testimony to PRC on behalf of NALC earlier this month. Former USPS Chief Financial Officer: Eliminating Saturday Delivery Is Not Necessary. Now USPS is requesting that Riley produced documents, analyses, data to support his assertions.

Here is what USPS is requesting:

Pursuant to rules 25 and 26 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure, the United States Postal Service hereby directs the following interrogatories and requests for the production of documents to National Association of Letter Carriers witness Michael Riley: (NALC-T-5): USPS/PR-T5-8 through T5-14.

USPS Interrogatories to NALC witness Riley

Please refer to page 6 of your testimony, the last full paragraph, where you state that
elimination of Saturday delivery “would also send a signal to customers that their
needs and preferences no longer matter to the Postal Service.” Please provide
copies of all data, analyses, market research studies and other documents, aside
from any documents filed by the Postal Service in this docket, upon which this
conclusion is based.

Please refer to page 6 of your testimony, the last full paragraph, where you state that
elimination of Saturday delivery:

would reinforce the negative stereotype of the Postal Service as an inefficient
government entity rather than a vital service-orientated service. Such a
negative stereotype would not only dampen the public’s demand for postal
services but would erode its support for the Postal Service as an institution.
Please provide copies of all data, analyses, market research studies and other
documents, aside from any documents filed by the Postal Service in this docket,
upon which these statements are based.

Have you conducted any research or analyses about the competitive advantage the
Postal Service holds over its package delivery competitors that you refer to on the
bottom of page 6 of your testimony? If your answer is affirmative, please provide
copies of all such research or analyses.

Please refer to your testimony at page 7, section V, “The Postal Service Should
Adopt a Consumer Oriented Strategy”.

(a) What specific postal services and products should be made more accessible
and attractive to customers? Please explain in detail any changes you
believe should be made to existing services and products.
(b) Have you performed any analysis of the amount of additional expense the
Postal Service would incur and the additional revenue that would be
generated if it did as you suggested? If so, please provide copies of all
documents related to such analysis.

At the bottom of page 7 of your testimony, you assert:
We live in an era where service companies are increasing days and hours of
operation to appeal to their customers.
Please specifically identify the service companies to which you refer, describe the
products and services they offer, and specify the increases in days and hours of
operations to which you refer.

USPS Interrogatories to NALC witness Riley

Please refer to page 8 of your testimony, where you discuss the reduction in USPS
collection boxes. There, you assert that the Postal Service “eliminated 24,000 such
‘blue boxes’ in 2009 alone. Is it your testimony that the removal of 24,000 USPS
collection boxes in FY 2009 resulted in the elimination of all such boxes at each of
24,000 different locations? If so, please explain.

At the top of page 5 of your testimony, you assert that:
As a rule of thumb during my time as CFO of the Postal Service, we assumed
that a 10% price increase for market-dominated products (also known as
“mailing services”) would yield a net revenue gain of about 9%, since it would
reduce volume by about 2% and costs by about 1%.

(a) Please identify which USPS omnibus rate requests during your tenure as
CFO were governed by this rule and identify the postal testimony in each
docket which reflected reliance on the quoted assumption.
(b) Please describe the circumstances and purposes for which the rule was
otherwise applied.

14 thoughts on “USPS Requests Former CFO Back Up Testimony On Behalf Of NALC

  1. Old friend: You see, that’s the problem. You and many other union members think that if anyone wants to put in a hard days work that they’re siding with management. Some people, believe it or not, have a real work ethic and want to keep busy for 8 hours. Some union members make these people feel like they’re the bad guys. I would gladly give up the benny’s if I could bargain for myself, because if they paid people buy the work produced, I would make twice as much as you. Oh, as for the union being quite solvent, The Post office has taken quite a hit from the internet and it will continue to do so, more and more each day. I don’t think Post Office could’ve done anything to prevent it. But typical union wants to blame only management even when common sense says that ‘progress’ is to blame.
    P.S. I despise management as much I do the union because neither side knows anything about ‘common sense’.

  2. JOHN: the NALC may have a right to tell the USPS how to run their business, as they are quite financially solvent! It never ceases to amaze me that the people who bitch about the unions are the ones who usually are get the favoritism because they are a lap-dog of management. I say give me the GPS chip, and get rid of the supervisors, and split the savings in my next wage increase.

  3. High-five Brutus Buckeye!!! It is unfortunate that people like “John” are the reason some are so bitter of the Unions. If those same people would only take a step back and see what great things the Unions have achieved over the years we wouldn’t have non-members! By the way John..the slugs you speak of…if they are truly working that way then management should do thier job and deal with them. Trouble is they can’t even get that right. Go Union!!!

  4. John says “but the nalc over steps it’s bounds by a million miles. Ane now all of a sudden the union thinks it knows how to run the Post Office better than they do. The only thing the union has shown so far how to run a business into the ground.”

    John, do you have documentation to back this up?

  5. You seem to have missed my point, I do believe the union has a purpose, I just believe they have over stepped their boundaries. If your upset about the things I’ve said then you’re probably one of the union slugs I’m talking about. Keep up the good work by working harder to get out of work than you would if you just did your job in a reasonable speed.

  6. “John” you do not deserve the pay and benefits the union has negotiated for all of us. If you believe so strongly that management is right, you should not accept the pay increses and go get your own insurance. Go to work for Walmart or something. Maybe you could even get a managment job with them. You know what your wages were back in 1978. That’s what you would still be making if management had their way. Better yet if you think being a union officer is so easy, donate some of your free time and help your brothers and sisters and it just might help yourself too. Otherwise just worry about yourself and not what somebody else does or does’t do in your opinion.

  7. well “JOHN” why don’t you give back all the Union won wages and benefits and work for what TE’s or casuals get!

  8. I’ll tell you what I have against the union. I’ve carried mail 32 years and have taken nothing but grief from them.It seems a solid 8 hour day to the union is considered “kissing ass”. I’ve watched strong union people carry mail at the speed of ‘slug’ for too many years and get away with it because they think they’re creating jobs, when in reality they are creating deficit. I’ve seen the union ‘bite the hand that feeds them’ over and over again. I pay my union dues and I believe in the union for the reason it was created. To protect our rights and ensure equality in pay and treatment, but the nalc over steps it’s bounds by a million miles. Ane now all of a sudden the union thinks it knows how to run the Post Office better than they do. The only thing the union has shown so far how to run a business into the ground.

  9. John. Please notice that this guy is a former USPS Chief Financial Officer. He worked for management, so he would be spreading??? management fabricated lies???
    As CFO he probably has seen the postal studies and knows they are fixed,slanted, skewed, bogus, dishonorable, and designed to make someone a boatload of money when the “service” is sold to rich guys.

  10. This article sounds reminisent of all of my Step 1 and Step 2 meetings; whereas I must always provide documented proof of my contentions, but management does not. I’ve rarely ever been to a Step 1 or 2 meeting whereas management showed up with any contractual language, or anything else, that supports their position. I guess management opperates like that at all levels.
    As for “JOHN”, you sound bitter! What did the Union’s ever do to you – personally? May I refer you to EAP. Just call 1-800-EAP-4-YOU. It seems you have anger management issues, or maybe just need some counseling. Hope you get better soon!

  11. Well, John, we all know how much management lies about everything. Even when the truth will set you free, you lie.

  12. First, to honest carrier: Maybe the Post Office is tired of union fabricated lies. Just because the union says the same ole bull over and over does not automatically make it true without some kind of proof to back up their claims. If the union is so sure they know how to fix this situation then they should have no problem with presenting documentation, unless they’re just making it up as they go.

    Second, to Uncle Mike: Where have you been for the last two years? The Post Office has done a thorough study of the benefits vs the pitfalls of going to 5 day delivery. The Post Office has presented all of the results to the union of the study but of course the union always knows best. Who needs facts?

  13. Can the NALC please request documentation of the USPS for all of their assertions and conclusions saying that five day delivery is going to save us? No? Oh, I see. Different rules for them. Immagine that!!!

  14. Typical reaction from USPS. They can’t disprove anything Riley says, but they want him to do work for them and explain how they can improve. We all know they can’t figure that out for themselves…….

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