Video: So, how many postal jobs are leaving Tulsa again?

TULSA – Since the U.S. Postal Service announced plans to cut jobs at its Tulsa mail processing center, there has been confusion about the number of jobs that would be lost and if any would remain.

In February, USPS announced it was consolidating its Tulsa processing and distribution center with one in Oklahoma City.

Since about 600 people work at the Tulsa facility, many thought that 600 was the number of employees who would lose their jobs completely. In actuality, it’s significantly less than that.

One thought on “Video: So, how many postal jobs are leaving Tulsa again?

  1. Letter Carriers President Says S.1789 has Vision, Will Solve USPS Problems and offer Voluntary Early Retirements.
    April 6, 2012 by postal
    Filed under: NALC, postal, postal news, press releases, usps 
    WASHINGTON, April 6, 2012 — In Speech at Rutgers, NALC President Calls on Congress to speed up and Draft Comprehensive Reform, and offer craft employees Early Retirement Incentives.
    Fredric V. Rolando, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, said Friday that Postal Service legislation pending before Congress has long term vision and is urgently needed.
    Improving services to residents and business will drive customers to the Postal Service, further increasing revenue and eventually saving the world’s best and most-affordable delivery network, Rolando said. It also will enhance the 7.5 million private-sector mailing industry jobs that depend on a robust Postal Service.
    Rolando spoke at the Advanced Workshop in Regulation and Competition sponsored by the Center for Research in Regulated Industries at Rutgers University at Newark, N.J. His union consists of 284,000 active Carriers, who are all supporting S.1789.
    A successful business plan, such as S.1789, he said, would be “strategic” and “far-sighted” and would better leverage the Postal Service’s unique and universal last-mile delivery network; expand the range of services it can offer; and give the Postal Service more flexibility in pricing its products, and would alleviate excessing of employees to distant places, by offering a decent incentive to retire, such as the ones being negotiated by his union and the APWU for April 2012.

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