League of Postmasters – USPS Shares Post Office Discontinuance Plan

National League Of Postmasters

On Wednesday July 20th the LEAGUE along with the other Management Organizations met with Postal Headquarters regarding a discontinuance plan being rolled out to review about 3600 offices for closure. Of this 3600, 700-800 are stations and the remaining offices are independent Post Offices. Thursday July 21st the plan was rolled out to the Area and District Managers and some of their staff. Those impacted Postmasters should be notified by their Districts that their office is under review prior to July 27th. On July 27th the Post Office will file for an advisory opinion with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) on their plan to discontinue post offices, a nationwide service change. At this time a list of all offices being reviewed will be available.

The PRC will make sure the interests of all parties are considered in their advisory and it could take some time for their opinion. Although the Post Office will begin their review process immediately it is our understanding that the final decision cannot take place until the advisory from the PRC is given.

The Postal Service informed the organizations that any office that had started the discontinuance process prior to July 8th would follow the old Handbook PO 101 guidelines and closing process. Those started after July 8th will follow the new Handbook PO 101 guidelines that changed with the final notice to the CFR 39 on July 14th.

This is a major change in the closing process because some of these offices will have standing Postmasters in them. We want those on the list to remember this is just the review process and a lot can happen to change the outcome. The LEAGUE will be available to give you guidance through the review process and is hard at work to give you answers should the worst occur and your office is closed.

We will continue to keep everyone informed as this discontinuance plan rolls out.

Mark Strong

National League Of Postmasters

One thought on “League of Postmasters – USPS Shares Post Office Discontinuance Plan

  1. USPS must expedite due dilligence to ALL insure t debt contributing non essential offices are closed. Management union groups such as League and Nat. Assoc. PM will exert pressure to keep a hole in the wall open to preserve dues without any regard for the finanical condition of USPS.
    Congress must take action to reduce cost otherwise put the burden on taxpayer.Volume will continue to decrease; GET REAL advanced technological advanceS WILL INCREASE INSTANT MESSAGING. Written mail deliverd by USPS is comparable to end of Space SHUTTLE programs; it had its place in time but is now obsolete as advanced technology is continually producing new and improved means to achieve desired results.
    The need for Post Offices to sell products and provide mail service is in reality a thing of the past and will be extinct in time.

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