NALC Presidents Meeting Notes – New JARAP 2011 Coming Out

A New Joint Alternate Route Adjustment Process (JARAP) is coming out. The JARAP is an agreement between USPS and NALC to jointly evaluate and adjust routes to as near as eight hours as possible.

A few highlights of the meeting:

A new agreement will be announced on Wednesday. It will be called JARAP 2011. It will again only involve zones that either party requests. There will be joint training at all levels. We are going to have the right to have a COR tech in the room. There will be COR training jointly and separately. They may work as a co-COR tech or as the DEAT. New language concerning 3999’s. No mandate to do a follow-up. Either party can request a follow-up. The new agreement will start May 1 in some cases and June 1 in others.

Fred: Art. 12. There is a misunderstanding concerning consolidation of offices. Management has been doing some things wrong. There will be an MOU coming out next week concerning consolidations and “DUO’s”. The issues are seniority. A consolidation triggers Art, 30 and LMOU’s. Another issue is branch affiliation. We have several issues pending dealing with this issue. In some cases we have had a coexistence of the two branches.There have been some mergers. There may be a partial transfer of some members between branches

Fred: There will be a new MEMO next week on route structure. It will be a voluntary local initiative to develop different alternative route structures. These will then be sent to the national level for approval. There will be some guidance on how to proceed with this process from the national.

Fred: In JARAP 2011 (April, May) management will be required to post the previous days volume on a daily basis.

NALC Committee of Presidents Notes March 27-28-2011

4 thoughts on “NALC Presidents Meeting Notes – New JARAP 2011 Coming Out

  1. Does each of the union and management reps get one day to deliver the route they adjust: just to check that it is fair? hahahahaha

  2. Sirs, how can there be territory grievances held over from 1992 ? Who is in charge of this ? In a time of losing carrier positions due to route adjustmants, how can the carriers NOT maximize their territory?

    You are dropping the ball Fred !

  3. Yippee ! ANOTHER useless agreement, that postal mgmt. will ignore whenever they want to.

    Postal mgmt, NALC mgmt. Same thing, different names.

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