Postal Retiree Not Happy About New Retirement Incentive

From PostalReporter Reader:

My name is Fredric ****. I was a data collection technician in Houston, Texas. I took the early out and retired on July 31, 2009. We were sent a memo(which I still possess) that the post office would not be offering early outs in the near future. The memo stated that they would lengthen the time needed to June 30st to be eligible to take the July 31st offer. Postmaster Potter also indicated before a congressional hearing that there wouldn’t be any incentives offered. Three weeks after retiring I find out that the memo and statement from the postmaster were all lies. I took them at their word and retired at the age of 49 with 26 years of service. I had to incur a 12% penalty (2%for every year under 55). I feel totally used and would like to know if I and the other recent retirees can dispute what is now happening. Thank you

174 thoughts on “Postal Retiree Not Happy About New Retirement Incentive

  1. APWU did make a statment for those that the Post Office were offering an early to not go without an incentive….if you were aware of that and made the decision to leave, well it is a blow below the belt. I would suggest that if you can find it in writing that the USPS said that there would be no near future incentives and 30 days later they were offering one; file a class action to get the money. God Bless

  2. Good for you APWU member! I also paid for 30 years thinking the union would be there for us when we needed them. WRONG. It was dishonest, underhanded and deceitful. I feel they need to make it right for those who actually believed them, but what are the chances? The only good thing is that we are out of the cut throat environment that it has turned in to.


  4. That does not take away from the fact that Mr. Burrus DID NOT ALERT HIS PAYING MEMBERS THAT HE WAS IN NEGOTIATIONS FOR AN INCENTIVE. I guess what retiree’s are really UPSET about is that we paid to be lied to. Mr. Burrus did not look after our best interest. By saying “Don’t Go!” he alluded to the fact that the Unions were hoping for an incentive. However, once negotiations secretly started, he said nothing. As paying members were we not entitled to that information? This could have altered some employees decision to retire. (WHICH MR. BURRUS and THE POST OFFICE WAS AWARE OF). By not alerting his members Mr. Burrus betrayed his members. If he did it once, he will do it again. BEWARE!!!

  5. all the unions spoke loud and clear, DO NOT TAKE THE VER OFFER, WAIT FOR INCENTIVE. All that took the VER didn’t listen and voluntarily signed on the doted line. Now they want to waste there money on a frivolous lawsuit. What a bunch of idiots!

  6. all the unions spoke loud and clear, DO NOT TAKE THE VER OFFER, WAIT FOR INCENTIVE. All that took it VER didn’t listen and voluntarily sign on the dooted line. Now they want to waste there money on a frivolous lawsuit. What a bunch of idiots!

  7. good luck going to the MSPB with your class action–they’re all left-over Bush appointees and anti-worker, to put it mildly…

  8. WHY are you upset about this $$?? the idiots who take it will take a tax hit because it will be added on to your income for this year–MGMT did’nt defer it or waive to age penalty with OPM like other FEDs have. and the $5K you “get” next year you will probably end up using to pay taxes for prior year. c’mon, people.
    if it were a real $$ incentive, PMG would have deferred the pymt till after the first of next year and gotten the age waiver from OPM. This is just mor MGMT posturing BS.

  9. I’m not eligible to retire for another 3 years, however, I agree with the person. The post office shouldn’t have stated one thing and did another, regardless of his or her circumstances. It makes me leery about the info I’ll be receiving in the next couple of years. You guys have a right to challenge this unfortunate situation thrushed upon you. I wish you luck, however, you’re truly the lucky ones as you are away from this organization. Hope it don’t get too crazy in the next couple of years but its probably wishful thinking on my part.

  10. You made your own decision. 49, get to retire after 26 years of making a great wage. Try being only 5 years in at age 43 and looking at 20 more years to go. Sometimes we make decisions we regret. Live with it, move on, and enjoy your new found freedom to do what you want when you want. As I learned in the US Army. Adapt and Overcome!!

  11. Why are all you postal workers calling each other names? Don’t you read the contract? It says we are supposted to get severance pay on an early out. Why would we wait for an incentive when we are supposed to get it anyway? Most of you people are in hock up to your you know what and are jealous of those of us that can afford to go. Save your money and get out!

  12. For those of you who stated that the UNION – Mr. Burrus said “Don’t Go”… If you look at the date he made that announcement you may notice it was on July 15, 2009. Those that took the VERA for July 31, 2009 had to have their paper work in by JUNE 19, 2009. It’s easy to say
    “Don’t Go” AFTER the fact. As a paying member of the Union, I would think that Mr. Burrus would address why the recent retiree’s were overlooked. If they are now entitled to severance pay, because of the incentive that is being given. Yes, a class-action suit should be filed. For unfair labor practices between the APWU and the Postal Service.

  13. hey fredric you did the right move by getting out do not worry about the 15k. they are going to tax it not once but for 3years. i’m sure you porked the p.o. for more than 15k during your career. god knows i did retired in june 09 and loving life at 51 years young.

  14. Too many crybabies. The union advised you not to take the VER. If more members had taken their advice, maybe the USPS would have considered a larger incentive award to get enough people to leave.

  15. So Where Do We Actuall Go To File A Class Action Lawsuit. How Can We All Get Together. Any Suggestions. Let’s Get Involved & Not Get Screwed Again.

  16. Curious, no one listed the PO facility they were working at before retirement. Were any of you limited duty employee who were threatened with removal by the Reassessment Process, is that why you took early out? Very surprised at the incentive offering, but that also is not enough money to go out on, don’t forget the tax you will have to pay. At Bay Valley District, the MDO named Balvinder Chada (sp?) managed to swindle a cool $6.9 million (could be more) out of the PO before he was finally caught. None of the employees would be in a financially strapped PO if they didn’t promote deceitful, sleazy people for supervisors and MDO’s in the first place. Imagine, a stupid MDO that managed to steal that kind of money under their noses. Probably funded the taliban with it.

  17. Mr. Burrus should have insisted that everyone who left on vera withing one year get the 15,000. He sold us down the river again. Many people had 29-30 years, and we deserve this money due to the constant abuse from supervisors and managers. Equal incentive pay for all vera retirees.

    There should be a class action lawsuit for everyone who left in the latter part of 2008, and also May, June, and July 2009.

    There has been a new development that no EAS employees will be forced into RIF, and lose their jobs. Now, how is the po supposed to save money when all eas employees will keep their positions, but they sacrifice clerk employees.

    Also, since 2006, there was something in the apwu contract which stated before a rif or any excessing is done, severence pay must be offered to full time employees. Why is this still in arbitration for 2 years, and still on the books, when this new 15,000 incentive was finalized in a record time of two months.

    I retired because I was sick and tired of bleeding from being stabbed in the back from the HQ managers.

    There should be a class action law suit. Shame on you Mr. Burrus for not insisting that all post office employees are to be created equal.

  18. The Postal Service Would get more people to retired if they ask for tarp money and offer the same amt of money they offer in 1992, they wouldn’t have to worry about getting more people to retired. They do not want to open the FLOOD GATES.

  19. I read the statements that (Mr. Bill Burrus) posted on the APWU website. I just don’t understand why he would not let paying members know that he was in negotiation with the Postal Service for the long awaited incentives. I’m sure he had to know this would impact some employee’s choice to take the VER. Mr. Burrus cried FOUL when the Postal Service did not make the APWU aware of the details offered in the VER for 2008/2009. Is it really unreasonable for recent retiree’s to have wanted that information from their Union President, especially when he was aware of it! Mr. Burrus, scarificed 2,505 employees for the benefit of the Union and the Postal Service. Yes, there should be a CLass Action Law Suit. It should be based on un-fair labor practices between the Postal Service and the APWU.

  20. I’ll join a class action! They told me I would be transferred to another tour to a job I couldn’t physically do OR transerred to another facility to a job I couldn’t do. Turns out, after I left, nothing happened to anybody.

  21. I also retired on July 31st. But, I had read that anyone that took the ver without monetary incentive, the Union would fight to get you what ever is offered. So, I somewhat felt that if one became available my union would fight for me to secure the same deal. Guess not. I have had the best 29 days of stress free living ever!!! It is what it is and if there should be a class action suit count me in. But, I will not let this eat at me. I made the decision to get out and I won’t look back. Good luck to everyone.

  22. Not sure where “Laura” is from or where she worked but APWU President Bill Burrus said last September:

    Employees Should Reject VER

    Burrus has repeatedly urged workers to reject the early-retirement offer. “The opportunity to retire early may be tempting,” he told delegates to the union’s convention in August, but it is not being offered for the employee’s benefit. “Our advice is: Don’t Go!”

    “Early-outs are not new, having been offered in many industries,” he said. “But they are called ‘buyouts,’ and employees have been offered healthy cash incentives. Every APWU-represented employee who leaves early will save the USPS hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

    Postal workers who retire early will face a life-long reduced annuity, he noted, “And with the economy nearing a recession, the opportunity to replace postal employment with another job after retirement has diminished.”

    The fact he (Pres Burrus) has worked out a deal for the APWU and NPMHU is not something to be complained about or to file a law suit about, no one should ever give back anything to the employer that was secured for you through collective bargaining.

    Everyone made their decision – and as we all learn as we move through life: timing is everything.

  23. Retired at 49 !!! knowing that a 2% penalty a year would be imposed (12%) Not smart at all. YOU screwed yourself.

  24. Fredric
    retired at the age of 49 with 26 years of service. I had to incur a 12% penalty (2%for every year under 55).

    Lets just face it, You really wanted out to take a 12% cut in retirement pay, the 15k is nothing conpared to the 12%, but look at the bright side, at 49 you still have 13 years you can work somewhere you are happy to build SS credits to age 62, (don’t think that will make up for the 12% but…..

  25. richie,
    I hope someone does file a class action.
    I’m in if they do…have you actually talked to a lawyer? or just thinking of it?
    I saw on the front page of postal reporter, there was advertising from different lawyers that work for Post Office people.
    I think anyone that retired in the last year would be entitled to something, but me and Fredric’s(both at 25 days) along with thousands of others had paperwork actually sitting on the desk of the retirement board, while this was being decided…….why weren’t we notified?

  26. 49 and retired. You should consider yourself lucky. i di 20 years military 11 years postal ,I’m 53 and still got 9 years to go. Who made the choice for you to retire ? If it was you, look in the mirror and start yelling at yourself. First sentence should be “how stupid could you be ? ” grab a towel and wipe those tears. while you’re at it, let me have a Number 3 supersized.

  27. “life is short” is correct. I took the Vera in May. I considered the possibility of future incentives and made the decision at that time not to look back. I have seen the flip-side where fully eligible pals continued to work and the cash never materialized. Incentives were offered only one other time in my 30 years of bondage. Quality of life must be factored in after your financial situation is considered. I have not regretted my decision one minute! Good luck to all of you that have to endure the coming years.

  28. I worked 29 years as a part timer. I’m over 60. Paid union dues all of those years. NEVER received information from union saying don’t retire. Believed what I heard about no $$$. Believed the promises of no incentives. I guess nobody is honest anymore. And I didn’t get a watch or a plaque either!

  29. Sorry Fredrick, you’ll get no sympathy from your fellow postal employees, you know how it is after 26 years. Read POSTAL BLUES by fellow postal employee NIKKI COE, since you have extra time on your hands. She writes about the USPS and it’s employees. What happened to sympathic co-workers? Has the P.O. numbed all of our feelings? all our our sensitivities? http://WWW.NIKKICOE.COM READ THE BOOK!

  30. I took the early-out too. Believing the Postal Service saying they had no $$$$$. I should have realized, like any other circumstance in 25 years, that it would be the opposite. Not even a retirement plaque or watch because there was no $$$$$. Whose wearing the watch now. What a joke!

  31. Fredic, why would you retire with 26 yrs of service at age 49? If you knew you were going to lose a 12% penalty why retire? You should have know since in the early start of your postal career that the only good thing that management do is LIE to their employees, and you being so naive you fell for it. Didn’t you read what Burrus wrote about not taking the early out because they were working on getting incentives? I don’t feel sorry for anyone who took the early out. They didn’t have faith in their union….or is it that your NOT in the union.

  32. If any of you had read read the article on the APWU website, Burass states that this has been in negotiations for TWO MONTHS…I missed this early out by 9 days (25 years as of 11-9) not 10-31…I really think you have a case here even if burass said dont go
    it sounds like he knew ther was going to be some incentive and I think you should fight this because you will prob win…good luck…G-Man

  33. I certainly did not see this coming. Although I am not eligible to retire, alot of my co-workers who are were waiting and waiting on something like this. Maybe they wont go at this offer, but they are certainly considering it. We’ve all kept up with the news and the National APWU. EVERYONE agreed, the USPS is in dire straights, however they(USPS) could not afford to NOT offer something! It made perfect sense to eliminate payroll of these long timers by making an offer. However, the USPS was restructuring and excessing, closing offices. It had alot of people worried, I am in a P&DC, at least 10 people from our plant have already left. This may get 15 or so more.

  34. You people that took the early out, knew what your financial status was, and still made the decision to go. Maybe the stress played a crucial factor in your decision, but it was your choice, and hopefully you all had something better lined up. I for one, didn’t want the 18% penalty, not in today’s economics.
    I feel your frustration, as I must agonize for 5 or so more years, while you get to relax and enjoy yourselves. Hey, maybe it’s time to finish getting that degree or join a red hat society.

    Best wishes, Friends

  35. Do not be mad only with management look to your unions also, Especially William Buruss. He promised that they were going to work to get incentives for everyone even those who took the VERA. I do not see any explanation from union why was only offered to current employees.

    What on earth is this offering to people to quit also. I think all need to read between the lines what may be on horizon. After all this is a company union who needs dues check-off to stay viable.

  36. Too late now, but, why don’t you try to land a state or city job in your area. You have enough age left to work on another pension, and maybe a second health plan.

  37. I too took the early out thinking there was no incentives coming. I know our union said not to take it, but they sure were fighting that hard to save our bid jobs, so I took it to keep my sanity. From what I heard, back in past when they had offered an early out with no incentives then later gave one to scale back more employees, the ones that didn’t get the incentive filed a law suit and later received the incentive.

  38. How about all of us ver takers from 12/31/08 to 7/31/09 hiring a law firm for a class action suit? Let me know how you feel about this.

  39. yeah it sucks that they now are offering 15k to take the early out, but we all had the same choice.
    Can’t cry over what could have or should have been.

  40. Fredric, I also retired on July 31………Not even long enough to get my 1st retirement check…I can’t believe that for a year I checked all the appropriate websites, even with the retirement board, and the answer was always NO INCENTIVE! and then this…wow, there sure have been a lot of people screwed..Can this be a CLASS ACTION suit? Someone on one of the other blogs said, that we all need to contact all the news media Fox News, ABC News, NBC News, and CBS News. and bring it to the attention of the public. After all the PO has been screaming, “no money” They don’t do anything this big without prior knowledge of it…We were all lied to. Class Action!!
    25 days of retirement, then this, what a stab in the back!

  41. The Unions asked the employees NOT to take the initial early out. The unions said to hold out for monetary compensation. That’s what you get for not listening to your union.

  42. Didn’t you read the info that was offered secretly by some management people awhile back stating not to get suckered into these early offers? Why in gods name would ever believe these honorless sneaky drones? They lie the moment they wake up and just laugh at the people who salute when they run this garbage up the flagpole to see who salutes and then goes for it,then they just turn away with a big smile on their faces. The PO is just filled with socio-pathic hostile lazy know nothings that are there just to think they have been touched by the LAWD and now it gives them the right to act & behave in what normally a civilized person would be appalled at. So you are now learning essence of the monster?………H

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