MSPB Reverses Discipline Of Postal Supervisor And Sustains Demotion

(Georgia) The Postal Service demoted Linda Parker from the position of Supervisor, Customer Services, EAS-17, to the position of PTF Clerk, PS-05, effective October 25, 2008.  The Supervisor was charged with unsatisfactory performance and failure to follow instructions with respect to two specifications. The first concerned instructions from Parker’s supervisor to “perform a full office proficiency and street count on one route weekly starting March 24, 2008.” The other concerned the Supervisor’s alleged continuing failure to “clear” clock ring errors on a daily basis. The deciding official sustained the charges, including both specifications, and found that demotion was warranted to promote the efficiency of the Postal Service, taking into account the Supervisor’s oral response and past disciplinary record. The Supervisor filed an appeal with MSPB.

An administrative judge initially sustained the Postal Service’s charges against the Supervisor but mitigated the demotion penalty to a 30-day suspension. But the Postal Service petitioned for a review of that decision. MSPB reversed the inital decision of the administrative judge and sustained the demotion.

see Parker vs USPS