NALC to Meet With USPS To Implement Provisions of New Contract

 From NALC

Contract to be Signed October 9: President William H. Young announced on September 20 that the 2006-2011 National Agreement, ratified by a vote of the membership (104,346 to 11,895), will be signed on October 9. President Young and Postmaster General Jack Potter will conduct the signing ceremony at the headquarters of the United States Postal Service at 10 a.m.

Young and other national NALC officers are meeting regularly with officials of the USPS to begin implementing the provisions of the new contract. No dates have been set for making the $686 cash payment, implementing the November 2006 wage hike of 1.4 percent, or issuing back pay for the 2006 retroactive increase. However, details on these and other matters are expected to be announced by September 28.

Carriers are reminded that they must be in a pay status during Pay Period 20 (September 15-28, 2007) in order to qualify for the one-time cash payment. Bargaining home