USPS: Letter Carrier Positions Are Available

Letter carrier positions available
Employees can apply through eReassign.

The Postal Service has a limited number of city letter carrier positions available, and current employees are encouraged to apply.

What are the advantages of becoming a city letter carrier?

  • Base salary ranges from $44,292 to $57,704 per year
  • Daytime work hours
  • Interaction with customers
  • Outdoor work
  • Typically off on Sundays and holidays
  • Uniform allowance

Why become a city letter carrier now?

  • Taking advantage of this option will provide the greatest selection of jobs and job locations, and increases the chances of finding a job near the applicant’s home.
  • Letter carrier seniority begins as soon as the applicant starts.

For more information, employees should contact their local Human Resources office or visit eReassign on LiteBlue to review job listings and locations.

3 thoughts on “USPS: Letter Carrier Positions Are Available

  1. i got my job back but due to my injury i fail to MAKE my supervisor do incident report i must eat crow start anew all seniority out if any, but I’m blessed to be working, all praise and glory goes to God.

  2. Become a letter carrier and get a position closer to home…. Then turn right around and get excessed 600 miles away. Have fun with that.

  3. Ok, so do clerks get to keep their seniority? Are they regulars, PTF’s or TE’s? Your seniority should start when you decide to be a carrier, back of the line, clerks…Besides you know dern well the only routes available are going to be the suckiest, longest, and least wanted routes at the station. What other choices do you have?

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