USPS Warns Employees About Disclosing Non-Public Postal Information

USPS has rules — designed to protect both the Postal Service and employees — that prohibit the communication of confidential, proprietary, and non-public information, as well as information that would violate anti-lobbying laws. These rulers are important, in times such as these, when legislative action has dominated discussions concerning the Postal Service. USPS wants its employees to understand the parameters of anti-lobbying laws and public disclosure.

Employees should not discuss non-public aspects of their work, or any other postal work with anyone other than those directly involved. Sales or cost data, and unreleased financial statistics are examples of such information.

The “Anti-Lobbying Act,” 18 US Code 1913, prohibits the use of postal resources to influence others to speak with Congress about postal issues.

The Government Relations office manages communication to Congress on the Postal Service’s position on issues and legislation, and postal employees may respond to Congressional inquiries through authorized channels. This information may be discussed with USPS stakeholders ― including members of the public. However, employees are prohibited from urging these stakeholders to intercede with Congress.

Anti-lobbying law violations are punishable by civil penalties and are investigated by the Government Accountability Office, which refers cases to the Justice Department for possible enforcement.

via USPS News Link Story – It’s nobody’s business

8 thoughts on “USPS Warns Employees About Disclosing Non-Public Postal Information

  1. dd on Fri, 20th Jan 2012 12:53 am:

    An impressive and insightful comment from you indeed. It has always amazed me how unions enjoy shedding light and demonstrating against entities that they consider clash with their agendas but heaven forbid anyone demonstrate against them. I suppose we should all fear the union’s backlash and stigmata of SCAB.

    Well, it’s a well known fact that scabs in the PO take home more of their salary than the insightful lemmings. And why would anyone demonstrating against a union that clearly sold their membership out and one that clearly has no answer to management’s march…why would they be tagged as a SCAB? After all, that person would only be exercising a right so vehemently protected by the same unions that now call them scabs?

    I’d rather keep my dues in my pocket and OCCUPY the APWU!

  2. Unhappy with APWU? Unhappy with the contract? Unhappy with the level of representation you’re getting? Unhappy with loss of 40 hour jobs?

    OCCUPY APWU at the 2012 Convention in Los Angeles (August 20-24) at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel (404 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA)


    Shut up and keeping paying dem dues! And, by the way…stay in line all you lemmings!

  3. Doesnt any Data relating to anything the Usps does whether it be financial , or operating procedures etc… Have to be disclosed and made accessible to the public under the freedom of information act? If not then why not?! And then unless you are downright buying their support there is no violation. Please anyone correct me if Im wrong here .

  4. Postal resourses means postage? An online petition does not use postal resources, me holding a pick-it sign or voicing my opinion is not using postal resources get it right PMG Al-ASSAD YOU CANT QUITE THE PEOPLE IN SYRIA OR THE POSTAL WORKERS WHO WANT AN INCOMPETENT LEADER GONE

  5. What this means is that postal management is getting ready to go after some body. When they mention in the law that having the public intercede with congress makes me think of the 1 million signatures that were sent to congress by the NALC asking congress to save the post office. Or the rallies for saving the post office, where congress men have been invited to come. I’m sure the PMG would love to put a stop to this kind of media attention. The post office higher ups don’t want any resistance from the troops what so ever. They just want total control over how the post office is handled and run. No one should be able to disagree with them or their actions, and they have certain laws on their side so they think.

  6. Go figure…..The USPS hiding information once again and the law is protecting them.
    I dont think its a matter of national security on what the postmaster general and his good ole boys network is wasting or spending. this information should be made public to every citizen of America. After all its OUR Postal Service not the PMG

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