Postmaster Pay Talks Continue


Discussions on pay policies, schedules and fringe benefit programs for Postmasters  continued this week between top Postal Service officials and leaders of both Postmaster organizations (NAPUS and the League.)  The talks were re-opened at the suggestion of Postmaster General  Patrick Donahoe, during a meeting with NAPUS President Bob Rapoza and League President Mark Strong on December 6, 2011.

On November 17, 2011, the two Postmaster organization presidents requested that the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) convene a factfinding panel to review the Postmaster Pay Package for Fiscal Years 2011-2015.  The request came as a result of the Postal Service’s final decision announcement on November 9, 2011, concerning pay policies, schedules, and fringe benefits for Postmasters.

The key discussion items continue to focus on minimum and maximum salary range improvements, health benefits contribution rates and changes to the Performance Evaluation System (PES.)

The pay talks will continue next  week in an effort to reach a resolution on Postmaster pay and benefits for FY’s 2011-2015 by January 27, 2012.  If the no agreement is reached by the deadline, the factfinding process through the FMCS will resume.  Please check the NAPUS website for updates as information is received.

Charlie Moser

January 13, 2012

2 thoughts on “Postmaster Pay Talks Continue

  1. PM numbers need to be reduced by eliminating office that had a need in communities prior to changing demographics that now have become surburbs of towns and cities. The supply to meet customer needs exceeds the demand. Small towns with 1 post office need to be maintained. The community post office no longer identifies the community as the town or city identifies once small identifiable communities but time and growth has changed the community concept as in many cases larger officies serve the immediate area aroun the once community office. Many of these officies have a postmaster and clerk in a rented building to provide retail and PO box mail service. IN many instances level 21, 22 offices are within 3-4 miles of these no longer needed officies. Closing these officies would be cost effective and not hinder service as box sections could be consolidated with nearby larger office and same zip code maintained. NAPUS and the League oppose any reduction in their dues paying members regardless of the necessity to reduce cost to maintain a strong postal network. Politicans are dwelt with by lobby and pressure groups to maintain offices regardless of the need and wasted cost.
    Postmaster of large 21, 22 offices could manage 6 smaller officies from a level 11 to 15 as now exist in certain areas. The 21st century has created technological advances in communication that results in less need for postal products and services resulting in loss of revenue creating massive debt; steps must be taken to reduce debt as means to create revenue generation to off set decline in first class mail volume has yet to be introduced and cost increases. The community general store has been replaced by malls and strip malls. The community post office continues to exist and stamps can be purchased at large chain grocery and drug stores at the same price paid at a post office.Supply of post officies to meet customer demand exceeds the demand and must be closed and/or consolidated to be cost efficient and reduce wasted cost to maintain existence.

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