Senate Subcommittee To Hold Hearing On USPS Financial Crisis

The Senate Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security will hold a hearing on “”Addressing the U.S. Postal Service’s Financial Crisis” on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Dirksen Senate Office Building, room SD-342. Live video will be available approximately 15 minutes prior to the scheduled hearing start time.

Panel 1

The Honorable Patrick Donahoe
Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer
U.S. Postal Service

Phillip R. Herr
Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues
Government Accountability Office

Panel 2
The Honorable Ruth Goldway
Postal Regulatory Commision

The Honorable David Williams
Inspector General
U.S. Postal Service

Clint Guffey
American Postal Workers Union

Jack Jameson
Executive Vice President
National League of Postmasters

Jerry Cerasale
Senior Vice President, Government Affairs
Direct Marketing Association

source: Senate Committee On Homeland Security and Governmental  Affairs

3 thoughts on “Senate Subcommittee To Hold Hearing On USPS Financial Crisis

  1. i’m a city carrier this system need to be over haul to be like the rural carriers, no over time you get paid by evaluation time of the route. most city carrier bid on route they can’t perform, and then over time goes to otherc’carriers. We pay 4 peoples over times to perform another carrier work that he/she can’t do, this been going on for 10 years or longers no one can.t understand you or hire to perform and do your job not to get assiting everyday wasting postal service money that why we having hard time now due to the fact everyday carrier have to support another carrier do his/her job because they bid on a route they can.t perform.

  2. be sure to get your tickets early. I will be the guest speaker. I will tell everybody how to fix the postal service

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