Postal manager accused in bribe scam shot in 1993 Dearborn PO rampage

From the Detroit News

A U.S. Postal Service manager now accused of accepting bribes, free dates with a hooker and erectile dysfunction pills from a contractor was shot in a 1993 post office rampage — and blamed by some coworkers for the attack.

Brownstown Township resident Bruce Plumb’s ties to the 1993 shooting — one in a string of incidents nationwide that helped coin the phrase “going postal” — surfaced a day after Plumb was arraigned on bribery charges in U.S. District Court in Detroit

In a June 2005 deposition filed in U.S. District Court, Postal Service employee Gregory Gorski said Plumb was disliked by some workers.

He lost that case in 2005.

see full story at the Detroit News
note: Gregory Gorski is also accused of accepting bribes from a private contractor. Plumb also lost his appeal to the Circuit Court.

Gorski testified in 2005:

One thought on “Postal manager accused in bribe scam shot in 1993 Dearborn PO rampage

  1. Well then he admits he did have problems,,,,or he’s just another management flunky who doesn’t know proper English grammar usage.

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