USPS Proposal To Senate Would Deny Communities Right To Appeal Post Office Closures

The following is a legislative update from the National Association of Postmasters of the United States:

Postmaster General Legislative and Financial Briefing

On Tuesday, February 15, President Bob Rapoza and Director of Government Relations Bob Levi attended a postal briefing conducted by Postmaster General Pat Donahoe, Chief Financial Officer Joseph Corbett and Vice President for Government Relations Marie Therese Dominguez. Also attending were the presidents and legislative staff of the other postal employee organizations.

The presentation covered President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2012 Budget, the Postal Service’s 5-Year Plan, and a new legislative package that the Postal Service shared with Senators Tom Carper and Susan Collins. The President’s budget proposal would grant modest financial relief to the Postal Service, and strives to provide the USPS access to the $55  billion in pension overpayments.  The USPS argues that the 5 year trend lines for postal solvency are dispiriting – even with aggressive administrative action – and that a comprehensive legislative approach, which includes a reduction in delivery frequency is required.  The USPS’ new legislative package to the Senate includes a series of amendments that would make it easier to close Post Offices and would deny communities the right to appeal closures to the Postal Regulatory Commission.  NAPUS has already registered our strong opposition to this proposal to Senators Carper and Collins.

8 thoughts on “USPS Proposal To Senate Would Deny Communities Right To Appeal Post Office Closures

  1. Post Offices belong to the communities not the PMG or Congress. This is an attack on Americans living in rural areas, our senior citizens and those who live in lower income areas. These are the communities that need and depend on their Post Office. What makes PMG Donahue think he should have the right to silence the voice of the communities in which these Post Office’s serve. It is those individuals holding the positions at the top that need to take some responsibility for the financial problems of the Postal Service. Every day the employees on the workroom floor witness the bad decisions that are made by those in charge. They should be held accountable. Can we say incompentent. They should never be given so much authority to close a Post Office solely on their choosing. It will surely result in the destruction and the elimination of the Postal Service.

  2. I’m with you, Ruby. The top dogs at the PO want absolute power and Congress wants their money. This whole mess is about greed. The media needs to keep digging to find out what the top dogs have really done with the money. The job cutting needs to start at the top. Wasteful spending and luxuries must end. The PO is for the American people and not a top heavy corporation.

  3. I am in hope that the Regulartoy Board will not approve that communities will not be able to appeal the Postal decision to close post offices. This will tske away the citizens right to protest and the right to be heard. Just exactly who do the Postal Service new Postmaster General think he is, God! The city council have a right to speak up for the tax paying and customers who help keep the Postal Service viable. Cutting service to the public is not the answers, nor is cutting postal jobs from the communities either. The economy is already in terrible shape. Why don’t Donahoe cut some of their salaries, starting with his own!!

  4. i agree with jameson. they should be forced to return that money. if it were in the hands of the usps we would be financiall solvent. its not 60 bucks we are talking about here. its 60 billion.. for gods sake.. are they that greedy and that lame that they cant fess up to a mistake and give the money back but instead make some lame deal to give it back over a long period of time??? wtf.. its soo wrong.. just wrong.. on all counts..

  5. the plan is to close all rural post offices suspend rural delivery, end universal service, the sell the remaining assests of the postal service to private industry . members of congress has no desire to reign in their spending, the do intend to destroy the postal service in their never ending desire to steal from the tax payor. the parks services lands will be sold as well. just like the raiding of social security funds to pay for ever increasing earmarks pet projects of these individuals. the state of the union is quite sad.

  6. The Postal Service has been thrown under the proverbial bus. President Obama has decided to endorse Congress’s stealing of the Postal Service’s profits, which would easily keep it financially healthy, and allow for the closing of small town post offices. The entire alleged “postal financial crisis” has been manufactured by Congress as a way steqaling from the Postal Service to make the deficit look better.
    Congress has already mis-appropriated over $60 billion from the Postal Service which former Postmaster General admitted would keep the Postal Service profitable for decades.
    When does the Congressional/governmental malfeasance stop? ? ?

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