Vets angry over medications stolen from mail

The Petersburg Post Office letter carrier — a prime suspect in a federal investigation into mail theft — is in “a non-pay status,” according to a Postal Service spokeswoman and Marshall County’s Veterans Service officer says vets are angry.

“I’ve had some guys come in here this morning about someone stealing a veteran’s medicine,” Veterans Service Officer Billy Hill said Wednesday after a report came out about medicine being substituted in a VA medical center pharmacy package before delivery through the mail.

Some of the vets’ statements are not publishable. It’s clear they’re unhappy.

Prescription drugs were replaced in the VA patient’s package with other pills that were apparently over-the-counter medicine.

Federal investigators, Marshall County lawmen and Petersburg Police searched the Brown Shop Road residence of Michael Murdock, the letter carrier whose route included a veteran receiving medicine. Florescent spray was applied to the contents of the package before it was mailed. It was found on Murdock, according to one of the investigators. No state charge arrest had been made in Marshall County, according to a check with the Sheriff’s Department here Wednesday and a press release from Sheriff Norman Dalton on Tuesday.

full story via Madision County Tribune

One thought on “Vets angry over medications stolen from mail

  1. A couple years back a Tour 1 SDO was stealing vet. medicines out of the mail stream, the employees complained to the plant manager, turned him into the inspectors after about a year of getting away with it. He was finally nabbed in the act. What was the outcome? He lost his job with the postal service, no jail time.

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