Some Postal Managers Refusing To Accept USPS, APWU Freeze On Excessing Agreement

USPS Management Message Confirms Excessing Moratorium

From: Mike Morris, APWU

“APWU Union officials in locales where managers are balking at implementing the moratorium on excessing that was announced on Dec. 15 will be pleased to see al message from a headquarters-level manager notifying Area-level officials of the agreement. ”

Subject: Excessing Moratorium

Brothers and Sisters:

Below is an email sent from Bob Brenker to Area Management Officials regarding the moratorium on excessing that was agreed to by President Guffey and PMG Donohoe.

For those managers who wanted to see something in writing from the USPS, this is it.

We don’t have any major differences with what is stated here. It makes some sense to continue to offer withheld residual vacancies over the next few days in the event that negotiations break down and the moratorium is ended quickly.

If; however, an agreement is reached and a substantially longer moratorium is achieved in negotiations: continuing to offer residual vacancies to impacted employees, which would likely not resemble what might be available to them at the end of a lengthy moratorium, would make no sense.

If you have local managers who continue to refuse to accept the moratorium on excessing, please let me know.

Mike Morris

Excessing Moratorium Part 2

One thought on “Some Postal Managers Refusing To Accept USPS, APWU Freeze On Excessing Agreement

  1. it still dosen’t matter pete codadi will still side with management ans agree to anything they want to do. who does he represent the apwu or the po manamgers?

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