Seattle Police Pose as Mail Carriers And Can Lie to Suspects Legally

This Seattle Times police blog article presents two controversial issues:

Seattle police say they sometimes pose as mail carriers. How do mail carriers feel about being put at risk this way? Does the Postal Service know about this police practice and approve its use?

In some undercover operations, officers pose as utility workers, mail carriers or package delivery people. Police also lie in some interrogation scenarios and can do so legally.

The US Supreme Court has said law enforcement officers can lie during interrogations of suspects (Frazier v. Cupp, 394 U.S. 731, 739 [1969]) and when working undercover. Postal employees should remember this when being interrogated and take what they are told with a grain of salt. Always ask for a steward. If offered an attorney, take it.

Don Cheney
Auburn WA

2 thoughts on “Seattle Police Pose as Mail Carriers And Can Lie to Suspects Legally

  1. Being dishonest is the first quality we seek in management applications. If you can bullshit us…your in.

  2. Managers and supervisors are allowed to lie too. They are so used to lying that they are not aware they are doing it sometimes.

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