USPS Contract Postal Unit Closes After Losing Too Much Money On Operations

JAMAICA BEACH, Texas — Post office customers will have to buy their stamps at a new place today — in a van parked behind city hall — because contract postmaster Quinton Biggs said he no longer can afford to subsidize his deal with the U.S. Postal Service.

He closed his in-store sales unit for good at noon Saturday after losing “about $50,000″ on its operation.

Another contributing factor in Biggs’ decision to quit was a limit in the number of stamps he could sell any one customer.”I could not sell to anyone who wanted more than the limit because I had to sign an affidavit that I would not split the sale into amounts below the limit,” he said.”So grocery stores and other customers that buy big quantities had to go into Galveston for their stamps.

Full Story: KHOU-TV