OIG: USPS Mid-Carolinas District Could Reduce Workhours By Eliminating 10 CSBCS

This report presents the results of our self-initiated audit reviewing the use of Carrier Sequence Barcode Sorter (CSBCS) machines (Project Number 09XG026DR000) in the Mid-Carolinas Customer Service District (district). Our objective was to evaluate the business case for continuing to use CSBCS machines located in associate offices in the district. This audit addresses financial and operational risk. See Appendix A for additional information about this audit.

Although a business case exists for continued use of CSBCS machines in some associate offices in the district, we concluded they can reduce 10 machines. While the district previously reduced the number of CSBCS machines by 11 during the audit, it had not yet fully evaluated moving more letter mail to the delivery barcode sorters (DBCS) in the plants. See Appendix B for a detailed analysis of this topic.

We estimate the district could reduce mail processing and maintenance workhours, and save more than $3 million as a result of eliminating 10 CSBCS machines. See Appendix C for our monetary impact calculation.

We recommend the district manager, Mid-Carolinas Customer Service District:

1. Reduce 10 carrier sequence barcode sorters at selected associate offices as well as the associated workhours.

2. Evaluate mail processing operations on a recurring basis to identify further opportunities for cost savings and greater mail processing efficiencies.

See Full Report

Continuing Use of Carrier Sequence Barcode Sorter Machines at Delivery Units (Report Number DR-AR-10-004).

One thought on “OIG: USPS Mid-Carolinas District Could Reduce Workhours By Eliminating 10 CSBCS

  1. This has been happening in the Mid-America District. If not completed already. About a year or two ago they started to eliminate those machines. Of course that meant the clerks that operated them now have very few hours. Some either switched to the carrier craft, or just took the reduced hours. It is believed that some could have followed the mail to the Processing plant, but they didn’t want to work nights. Some didn’t want to drive that far. Needless to say, none of them ended up at the plant, where we could have used some help.

    Something that would save a ton of money, is for the Processing Plants to SHUT OFF THE HEAT during the winter months. The DBCS machines put off a lot of heat, we are sweating to death all night long. Just imagine the savings in utilities? Nobody looks at the obvious!

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