USPS Computer Problem Delays NALC Dues Increase

Problem Expected to be Fixed by Pay Period 3-2010

Secretary-Treasurer Jane E. Broendel alerts members and branch leaders of a computer error reported by the Postal Service’s Data Center in Eagan, Minnesota that affected the dues withholding of some 56,000 members in Pay Period 1 of 2010.

Broendel said that as a result of the computer’s processing error, the increase in NALC dues scheduled for Pay Period 1 of 2010 was not implemented for more than one-fourth of the NALC’s membership.

The Postal Service expects to correct the error in Pay Period 3.

The union’s Membership Department at NALC Headquarters is working with the Postal Service to make NALC and its branches whole for any loss of dues income due to the error. In addition, special adjustments in dues requested by individual branches will now be delayed until Pay Period 6.

NALC properly submitted the data needed to implement the new dues amounts in a timely manner, but nonetheless regrets any inconvenience to branches and members.

source: NALC