USPS Automates Accident Reporting and Injury Claims Management

Managers and supervisors who are responsible for reporting workplace injuries and accidents soon will have a new online resource to streamline and manage that process — the Employee Health and Safety (EHS) system.

Why is this significant? This online system automates accident reporting and injury claims management. It’s all electronic, makes better use of resources and systems, and reduces costs by replacing the cumbersome paper-based process.

“This one integrated system makes managing accidents and tracking caseloads easier and more efficient,” said Vice President, Employee Resource Management, Deborah Giannoni-Jackson. “EHS eliminates the need for manual handoffs, redundant and time- consuming data entry, and maintenance of logs, spreadsheets and tickler items.”

Added benefits include consistently administered regulatory compliance nationwide.

EHS was first implemented in September in the Greater Boston and Connecticut Valley districts and at headquarters and headquarters field units. Nationwide rollout continues next week when the Capital Metro, Great Lakes, Pacific and Southwest areas are scheduled to “go live” Dec. 14. The phased national rollout will be completed Jan. 11, 2010, when EHS is deployed to offices in the Eastern, Northeast, Southeast and Western areas.

source: USPS